360 Vet Sales
360 Vet Sales
360 Vet Sales Deal
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360 Vet Sales Overview
360 Vet Sales is a brokerage firm that specializes in mergers and acquisitions of veterinary practices - exclusively representing sellers.
Here are some of the benefits we provide to our clients:
- Because we are owned by an accounting firm, we can maximize your practice valuation by taking a deep dive into your accounting to find hidden value.
- We negotiate a higher sales price for you by creating a competitive marketplace for your practice.
- We find buyers that align with the culture you’ve established.
- We ensure you and your staff are taken care of in terms of salary and job security post-sale.
- We take care of all of the heavy lifting throughout the entire process.
- We don't charge a dime until you accept an offer to sell and the deal closes - and our fee is significantly lower than the industry standard.
If you're considering selling your practice, please contact us to see how we can support you in reaching your goals.